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- Hebrew word for forgiveness is Salakh.

-God's Hebrew name for forgiveness is Yahweh Hessed.

-Greek word for forgiveness is Synchoresi.

-Latin word for forgiveness is Perdonare.

-Aramaic word for forgiveness is Shavaq.

-Human forgiveness is different from how God forgives. Human forgiveness is to release anger. resentment, or thoughts of harm for another person. When God forgives us, he forgets all our transgressions and remembers them no more.

-Micah 7:18-19 NLT, "Where is another God like you, who pardons the guilt of the remnant, overlooking the sins of his special people? You will not stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing unfailing love. Once again you have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean!"

-Remember that God wants us to forgive because he so graciously forgives us when we ask. I know there is some things that hurts us deeply to the point that we don't have the compacity to release it. But know this, God is waiting on you. Just imagine sending your own son (Jesus) to die for the whole world, and people are still lost. As a parent, if you are willing to sacrifice your own child it shows that you have unbreakable compassion to show the world that you're willing to go beyond the limits to open the eyes of the people you love indefinitely.

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"Don't worry about why you don't fit in. Ask God the reason you stand out!"

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Hello, my name is Renee. I accepted my calling in 2007 and have my Doctorate Degree in Theology. Don't be afraid to share about your journey with God in the comments.

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