Gifts of The Holy Spirit
Spiritual gifts in the body of Christ. Read 1 Corinthians Verses 1-12. In verses 8-10, it talks about the many gifts.
-There is the gift of wisdom, knowledge, faith, healings, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers' kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.
-These gifts are for the edification for the body of Christ. "But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, several as he will.", Corinth Verse 11.
-Having wisdom is having the appropriate application of knowledge. Wisdom can be given to you, only if you ask God because his word says his people perished for the lack of knowledge. Knowledge is different however, while also being the same. It means that one person knows what God is doing in another's life.
-Hebrew 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." To have faith in God is to have the faith of God.
-The gift of healing is to be able to restore, transform, and nurture the body, mind and spirit through phases of life within oneself, other relations, and with God. Remember the gifts of healing cannot be bought or sold. This is a gift from God.
-The gift of miracles is something that defies nature, is supernatural, and an act of God. It can go hand and hand with healing.
-The gifts of prophecy are predictions of things to come. Having the gift of prophecy doesn't necessarily mean you have the office of a prophet.
- The gift of discerning spirits is recognizing the gifts in different people but also discerning if it is of the Holy Spirit or Demonic.
-Divers' kinds of tongues is a gift in which a person has supernatural utterances of languages never learned or understood that is given by The Holy Ghost. To be an interpreter of tongues, you have the gift of knowing the meaning behind the unknown language.